Wearable monitoring for better lung health

Why we exist

Lung disease is a leading cause of preventable hospital admission and death. Treatment for breathing complications can be time critical but long wait times for blood tests and subjective symptom assessments often lead to delays.


What we’re doing

We are developing novel non-invasive technology to monitor lung function and inform clinical decisions. Our system is designed to bypass hospital bottlenecks and fast-track treatment for people with breathing difficulties.

Who we are

Our founding team of doctors and engineers believe everybody should be able to breathe their best - any time, anywhere. We are driven to provide accessible and affordable solutions that help to deliver care.

Continuous, timely and actionable insights into lung health.

Intermittent blood tests can leave blind spots for clinicians, leading to treatment delays and avoidable deaths. Continuous monitoring fills in the gaps between blood tests to enable more efficient and effective care.



Continuous monitoring is expected to simplify workflows and improve outcomes across Emergency, Intensive Care Units, Sleep and Respiratory Medicine, and Wards.


Our technology has the potential to become the first monitor of its kind suitable for at-home use. This could prevent hospital admissions and support early discharge.


Lung monitoring has applications in sports, wellness, OH&S and military. For athletes, our technology monitors a marker that can be used to determine exercise thresholds.

*These are the benefits we aim to achieve. The system is not yet approved for sale.